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Monday, September 12, 2011

Kingdom Manna


Mark 4:3, “Listen! A sower went out to sow.”

Our trail began at the ocean. We followed a narrow well-beaten, well-defined path overlooking sheer cliffs. Gradually the thin line curved inland toward a meadow where it became difficult to follow among the tall grass and bright flowers. We continued through a dark tunnel, next to a recently burned hillside and eventually came to a grove of trees next to a murmuring stream. The entire hike could be capsuled in picture post-cards. Feet weary we sat at the picnic tables to empty our back-packs and eat. Somehow the simple sandwiches felt like a banquet.

What a variety of terrain within a few miles radius! We could not count the assortment of foliage we passed. We started at one end of a path and followed, carrying our supplies with us. We went with an attitude of expectation and uncertainty.

Out to sow carrying the word of God, explained Jesus to His disciples. The path is where the word is heard. Sometimes clearly and well-defined, sometimes slightly hidden, but present, throughout the journey. Distance, direction, and diet all bound together.

Walk with me along the path, Lord, especially along the crumbling cliffs and dark caves. Keep me moving onward with Your word in my heart and in my hand.

Psalm of Worship: Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

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