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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kingdom Manna


Mark 1:15, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”

“Believe in the good news.” Why do we need to be encouraged to believe? Why do we find good news difficult to accept? Frequently it seems, the good news is for others only. We hear the summons with a jaded ear.

Jesus’ listeners paid attention. At first. When they thought He meant Messiah’s arrival. At least, their version of Messiah. A conqueror who would put Rome to flight. Restore their nation. Replenish their storehouses. Recompense their suffering.

But they could not see past the work-worn hands, the simple dress. The good news was unrecognized in a poor carpenter from Galilee. Messiah proclaimed as royalty would truly be believable.

Just as I expect good news to mean instant answers to my prayers, relief for sorrows around me, release from needs. I don’t always realize Your quiet working Lord through all these situations; strengthening faith, softening hearts, serving. I am looking for my own version.

Build in me, I pray, ears to hear and eyes to see and a voice to share Your kingdom. To believe now.

Psalm of Worship: Psalm 27:13

I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

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