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Monday, March 19, 2012

Kingdom Manna


Acts 1:3, “After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.”

After Jesus received His baptism by John He went into the desert for a period of forty days. A time of preparation for His public ministry, a dramatic departure from small town carpentry. To focus on priorities, learn to withstand temptation, depend on God in different ways than ever before. To see and experience another facet of God’s presence in His life.

And after His resurrection Jesus again experienced a forty-day transition. For His disciples. A time of preparation for His glorious return to His Father. A time of preparation for His followers to acknowledge Him in the flesh and in the Spirit. To gain an unshakable confidence in His new status, a dramatic departure from earth to heaven.

At His Father’s right hand interceding for His disciples, for us. To prepare us to withstand temptation, to focus our priorities, to prepare for ministry. Depending on Jesus in ways we never anticipated. Yet grounded in His upholding power. Firmly planted in the knowledge of His love. Lord, help me to ‘see’ You everyday.

Psalm of Worship: Psalm 63:2

So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,

beholding your power and glory.

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