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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kingdom Manna


Matthew 18:23, “For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his slaves.”

Closed doors. Endings. Completed work. Often we need to finalize projects before we begin anew. Consider our accomplishments, resources, status before the next commitment.

Taxes each year. Spring housecleaning. Job reviews. Monthly bills. Oil changes. All maintenance designed to keep our many responsibilities on track. Helpful inventories to give our juggled schedules checks and balances. We settle our accounts.

Communion. Our spiritual check. Where we have the opportunity to search our hearts and be searched. To root out the bias that is growing. To re-evaluate our choices. To re-establish our priorities.

Together we stand before our King. Yet one by one He evaluates our circumstances. Am I pleading for mercy but holding a hardened heart? Am I seeking forgiveness while harboring bitterness or envy? Am I praying with habitual disbelief?

Cleansed, forgiven, restored are the acts of this gift of sacrament. If I am willing to come to the table honestly.

Thank you, Lord, that You wish to settle accounts with me. Thank you for Your thresholds.

Psalm of Worship: Psalm 25:12-13

Who are they that fear the Lord?

He will teach them the way that they should choose,

They will abide in prosperity,

and their children shall possess the land.

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