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Monday, August 15, 2011

Kingdom Manna


Matthew 21:43, “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that produces the fruits of the kingdom.”

A harvest is expected, hoped for. To a vine grower no fruit means hardship; there are bills to pay, taxes due, workers to compensate, a household to feed. But a successful harvest results in plenty. Provision for all and extra to share.

God planted Israel as His vine. He dug, seeded, watered, shaded, and nurtured His people. A covenant gift. They produced wild grapes. “I am the true vine,” Jesus says. “Abide in Me and you will bear much fruit.” But if not fruitful, the branches are pruned.

A harvest is eagerly awaited. To God a fruitless vine means suffering children. They sit in darkness, despair, and hopelessness, fed falsehoods, deprived of His true word. But a kingdom harvest results in salvation. Abundance for all and life to share.

Gift of love to permeate all our days. We are never separated from His love. His resources are never depleted. Forgive me for being so meager with Your words, Your message, Your manna, Lord. Through them You give me life new each morning. Hope restored. Help me to share Your fruit. To abide in Your true vine.

Psalm of Worship: Psalm 119:93

I will never forget your precepts,

for by them you have given me life.

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