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Thursday, December 16, 2010


Tabernacle Introduction

Emmanuel—God with us! Words that we hold with joy and praise, especially in this season as we prepare to come to receive God’s story anew.

It continues to amaze me how our God always goes before us preparing our way even when we don’t see and possibly never recognize His words or His images. Sometimes they come in whispers or metaphors, songs and parables, and we are moving too fast to pause and listen. Yet He writes them into our lives just as He wrote His word into the tabernacle for Israel. His house of worship filled with symbols and word pictures to prepare His people for the day when the sanctuary would live within hearts.

John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and dwelt [or tabernacled] among us”

So for a while we’ll ponder the Tabernacle, then and now, to listen for new insights. I hope you’ll share yours with me.


Copy of the true

meticulously prepared

in exact replication.

Mediating in between,

waiting redemption

shadow sanctuary.

Symbolic tabernacle

made on earth.

Christ completes

merciful reconciliation

in exact requirement.

Messiah present,

wounded Word

sanctifies holy will.

Substantial temple

molded in heaven.

“For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands, a mere copy of the true one, but he entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.” Hebrews 9:24 NRSV

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