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Sunday, March 10, 2019

By Faith: Prayers and Poetry

Introduction Hebrews 11

In this season of Lent we take time to remember the love, faith, and sacrifice of Jesus as He fulfilled God’s promise of redemption. In Hebrews Chapter 11 we see a list of faithful believers in God’s word who, from the Old Testament onward, lived into the often invisible realm of faith. Some have several chapters written of their commitment to live by God’s word, and some are nameless. What does a life of faith look like? How do we live in its hope? What is God’s definition of hope and faith?

We often look for assurance every day of our lives, assurance that we are wanted, loved, appreciated. We desire a confirmation of our value, our work, and ourselves. Yet we are looking for assurance that can be seen. We hope—yes—but for a concrete response.

Faith calls us deeper. To conviction. To trust. To care with, or without, a smile in return. To labor without encouragement. To act in conviction of our beliefs and our hearts. To act the same in whether in solitude or company, in joy or despair. To act with expectation that the Holy Spirit will interact within and through us.

Sometimes it seems our faith is strong. Sometimes we only have faint glimpses of light. It takes time to take a firm root in us and we usually want to see results quicker, when we really need to go slower.

So this forty week study unfolds as seeds to consider as we revisit the experiences of those listed as living by faith in Hebrews. Mondays we will reflect on a scripture passage. Wednesdays consider meditative questions. Fridays respond with poetry.

Thank you for participating in our journey. Please share as you discover your own questions and insights, prose, and prayers.

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