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Monday, October 16, 2017

Submission: Listen: Prayers and Poetry

Reading: Romans 8:7

“For this reason the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law—indeed it cannot.”

Several musicians have used the phrase “puppet on a string” in their songs to express their helplessness to resist the love that entangles them whether for good or not.

We often can have an instinctive reaction to any other form of submission too, especially if we have experienced any cruelty emotionally or physically. The human drive for self power instills a caution to protect ourselves from any hint of perceived servility.

So even when gifts of love and grace and hope and new beginnings are expressed we hesitate. What will it cost us? Are there any hidden motives? What are the risks? Why do I have to give up part of myself? We want to stay in control or think we are in control. Even though we are often not, but don’t recognize the influence our inner cravings and threats already have over us.

We cannot break the cords on our own. But we can choose who will control them.

Submission is not the enemy when given to the Spirit’s knowledge and strength and protective love. Then our minds and hearts are sustained by truth even in the darkest moments of our lives. When we are weak, He is strong for us.

We are never left alone. If we wander away we are found. Always. With healing.

Lord, please give us Your boldness to submit to Your law in trust and thankfulness for Your sacrifice.

Psalm of Worship: Proverbs 8:6

“Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right.”

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