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Monday, July 16, 2018

Claim: Grace in the Wilderness: Prayers and Poetry

Jeremiah 31: 7 “For thus says the Lord; Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and raise shouts for the chief of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, ‘Save, O Lord, your people, the remnant of Israel.’”

Sing aloud with gladness.

Have you found that some days are just too difficult to sing God’s grace despite the fact that you have no doubts of faith? Your trust in His Presence is solid. Your belief in His word is unshakeable.

And yet still a tiredness beyond fatigue can suddenly wrap us in a grip that pulls deeper and deeper into a sense of separation and loss.

A sense of helplessness to own what we believe. Instead of song—silence.

However even if our voice is muted we can still praise. When we turn to unfailing truths—unchangeable promises—unfathomable mercy, we choose to sing. Even when no one else hears us.

And that will sustain us through any lingering defeat until we can lift our voices once more in gladness and witness out loud. The praise and the song continue to be our foundation—our choice in all situations.

Lord, please keep our hearts and our souls singing Your word with gladness and claim Your song.

Your Thoughts,

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