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Monday, February 2, 2015

Strength: Word Ambassadors: Prayers and Poetry

Reading: Joshua 14

“I am still as strong today as I was on the day that Moses sent me; my strength now is as my strength was then, for war and for going and coming.” Joshua 14:11

Although Joshua was old and advanced in years the Lord still gave him the directions for the land that had yet to be taken. Though Caleb was now eighty-five years old he remained as strong in body and spirit, as at age forty when he and Joshua stood firm on God’s promises and were the only two to trust God to enter Canaan then. And now they are the only two surviving leaders of the exodus from Egypt to enter the new land.

Still ready to obey whatever God intended. Ready to participate in God’s purpose.

Fatigue of body and spirit often influence us to let go of dreams, or ministries, or hope, thinking we are now too old, or unproductive, or too dry. Yet those aren’t the criteria for relinquishing a promise or a commitment. Sometimes we base our decisions on human strength alone.

“If God is for us, then who is against us?” Romans 8:31

The NAS version highlights the ‘is’ in the question. I can’t help noticing it is an active and present confirmation.  Too often I measure whether I should move forward or not based on past failures as the standard for my decisions. But a confirmation to move ahead, or to wait even longer, is not based on our steam power but on the Lord’s.

Now—each day. Whether a time of rest or a time of action, a season of desert solitude or a season of war. Whether prior gifts and talents are to be revived or completely new ones given.

His plans—His purposes—His promises.  Ours to trust—to follow—to believe.

In His strength and power. For going and for coming whatever each day brings—to  serve.

Psalm of Worship: Psalm 134: 1

“Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord;
who stand by night in the house of  the Lord!”

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