Reading: Joshua 16
“They did not, however, drive out the Canaanites who lived
in Gezer; so the Canaanites have lived within Ephraim to this day but have been
made to do forced labor.” Joshua 16: 10
The Canaanites clung to their land and refused to be evicted
regardless of the consequences. They stood firm. Maybe in the hopes that Israel
would fail, or that their opportunity would open to revolt at a later time. Or
because to them this was the land they worked and were bonded to stay. They had
history here.
The sons of Ephraim were granted an inheritance within the
lots of their brother tribe Manasseh. Not singled out alongside Manasseh—but within.
Generations earlier Jacob, as patriarch, had given the younger son Ephraim the
blessing normally for the older. But here in this era Manasseh as a tribe had a
far greater portion.
And it was the tribe of Ephraim that had to co-exist with
the Canaanites.
Within another’s inheritance—with an enemy—without
Same situation for both tribes, even though one considered
the victor.
What circumstances have we found ourselves in that are a
culmination of hard work, desire, and outreach, only to find: barriers within,
critical or even hostile coworkers, and indifference? And there is no transfer
out in sight.
Both tribes faced a daily decision as to how they would
co-exist in a long-term relationship that in some ways neither had expected nor
chosen. But each individual did have a heart choice to allow bitterness or
relationship grow.
Lord, please give us wisdom and courage to live wholly for
You in all areas of our life regardless of unexpected consequences of our own
actions or those of others. Our inheritance rests in You and that cannot be
taken away regardless of where we live or, where we work, or the people that
come into our lives. May You remain at the center and may we be willing to
follow Your will.
Psalm of Worship: Psalm 136:23-24
“It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his
steadfast love endures forever; and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast
love endures forever.”