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Monday, February 28, 2011



fine linen


white, pure

woven of’

righteous deeds.

Worn too by angels,

heaven’s armies

following the rider

Faithful and True.




wedlock clothed

by grace


Revelation 19:8, “to her it has been granted to be clothed with fine linen, bright and pure—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.”

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Extinguished light plunges

into darkness stumbling,

sprawling over obstacles,

caught in traps.

Despair loiters

crushing human spirit.

Golden light flames

overhead spotlighting

path, footprints,

marking individual step

enters searching hearts.

Burns a holy wick,

hope lingers.

Proverbs 20:27, “The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord searching every innermost part.”

Monday, February 21, 2011



Dust of the desert

dust of daily duty

swirled around the priests

so they washed

in obedience. They washed

in the bronze basin,

to stay clean, to serve.

Dust of the world

dust of daily decisions

coats a residue

conspires to steal hearts.

Jesus washes us by His word

purges away the stains

purifies so we can walk today.

John 13:8, … “Unless I wash you, you have no share in me.”

Thursday, February 17, 2011



Only by ordination

lineage descent

could a priest offer

evening sacrifice.

Only coals from

the fire

with added incense

could cover the mercy seat.

Mediation to reach God.

Now angels bring bowels

overflowing prayers

mixed with holy fire,

fragrant incense, to rise

before heaven’s throne.

Now Jesus interceding

holy Spirit refining

each person allowed

to offer prayer.

In God’s presence.

Here answers flash

as lightning

rumblings, earthquakes,

peals of thunder.

Here in quiet

listening, lives

change forever

become incense.

Living sacrifice unto God.

Psalm 141:1-2,“let my prayer be counted as incense before you and as an evening sacrifice.”

Monday, February 14, 2011



From the beginning,

when sin first emerged,

He prepared the price.

Knowing He alone

could enter heaven’s

holiest sanctuary.

Became threefold covering

High Priest, Ruler, Sacrifice.

Created entrance to


readied moment we

see our sin,

recognize consequence

death, despair.

Nail scarred hands hold us.

Whispers, choose life, come.

Hebrews 9:12, …“He entered once for all into the Holy Place,” …

Thursday, February 10, 2011



Highest value mankind

can comprehend

liquid, solid, trade or gift

we compare to God.

Everywhere attempt to replicate

richness, imagine

heaven’s golden streets

transparent under holiness.

Yet higher still

precious promises to

escape rust, corruption,

sin’s strangulation.

Believe with hope

character particles

golden divine flakes,

can form in our hearts.

Burned away dross

genuine faith

fire tested. His

higher value.

Exodus 25: 3, “This is the offering that you shall receive from them:…”

Monday, February 7, 2011


Glory of the Lord


blinding purity

Glory inexpressible

filled complete

cloud covered tabernacle.


compassionate grace

Glory inexpressible

dwelling bodily

encompassed in Son, Jesus.

Now seen.

Colossians 1:19, “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell.”

Thursday, February 3, 2011



Belt threaded with


heaven’s blue

regal purple

crimson sacrifice

bound faithfulness

divine gold

woven in truth.

Isaiah 11:5, “ Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist…”

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