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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Leaving Egypt Behind

Scripture: Exodus 18:20, then teach them the statutes and the laws, and make known to them the way in which they are to walk, and the work they are to do.

One of the true joys of a toddler is the ability to dress themselves. They don’t see the emptied drawers, the backwards shirt, the mis-matched socks. They see success.

One of the true grief’s of the ill and elderly is the diminished capacity for self-care. They see collapse.

Physically we all desire autonomy.

Moses met with the people from morning till evening. Throughout the long day they came asking him to inquire of God on their behalf. Jethro observed in silence. He saw an unendurable burden for Moses. “You will surely wear out, both yourself and the people who are with you, for the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.”

Spiritually Israel sought welfare.

Am I copying Israel? Waiting upon my congregation and friends to solace me spiritually. Waiting for someone else to feed me Your word, direct my prayers, counsel my decisions.

Am I burdening others with infant care when I am fully capable of responsible behavior? How am I ever to grow to maturity if I don’t look for Your plans, Your purposes, Your will personally? How then will I discover the work You have intended me to do?

Teach me, Lord, Your laws and Your statutes. Write them on my heart. May I become a burden-bearer instead of a heavy weight.

Psalm of Worship: Psalm 119:24

Thy testimonies also are my delight;

They are my counselors.

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