Reading: Acts 2:19
“And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth
below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist.”
How often do we look up: literally and figuratively?
How often do we pause to recalibrate with family, friends, work, God?
How often do we ask the Spirit to search out our heart motives and
winnow out any false attitudes or goals that have crept in?
How often are we caught by surprise when caught in a personal
Scientists have learned to track hurricanes, measure earthquakes,
monitor volcanoes. They give as much warning as humanly possible when danger
lurks, and yet, still, too often we ignore warnings. We become so confident
over the storms that fizzle out that we stop watching and listening.
The Lord does not come unannounced.
We may be too absorbed to look and listen and watch and pray; but His
signs for change will be spoken, whether words of warning or words of
preparation. He will speak into our lives through our bodies, our souls, and
our minds.
In nature His creation speaks. We watch sunrises and sunsets, cloud
formations, wind and rain, to gauge our external environment and sometimes we
listen. Sometimes His word is a quiet personal one to one message, as when He
sent Ananias to heal Saul’s vision. Sometimes His word is worldwide as in the
The Lord does not come unannounced.
Lord, please give us eyes to see, words to share, and hearts to trust
and obey.
Psalm of Worship: Genesis 1:19
“And there was evening, and there was morning, the fourth day.”