Hebrews 13:1, “Let mutual love continue.”
Often early grade teachers have said they learn a great deal of the children’s home habits in the first week of school during snack time. Some children say please and thank-you automatically. Some demand more. Some wait patiently for their turn. Some jump up and grab. Some use language that requires censure. Some bow their heads or fold their hands in anticipation of a prayer.
We all have the tendency to absorb the atmosphere around us. It’s up to us to decide whether we do it willingly or instead create a counter-balance, a determination to be different.
Over and over Jesus reminds His followers of God’s love. Again and again He exhorts His kingdom people to love one another. To exert care and witness and prayer from a center based on love.
What do I want to pass on to my circle of people? A critical spirit that seeps into their confidence, or a sense of compassion that reflects back their own worth.
Often, too often, I don’t even think. I just react. Lord, may I be so full of Your character and Your heart that I can only pass on Your love and forgiveness. Make my habits a reflection of Your qualities.
Psalm of Worship: Psalm 69:36
the children of his servants shall inherit it,
and those who love his name shall live in it.